cityXtra Magazine

cityXtra Magazine

Monday, July 28, 2014

Monroe County Gay Marriage Case Request Movement to Florida State Supreme Court

Lawyers for two Monroe County men who won the right to marry asked an appeals court Monday to move the case directly to Florida's Supreme Court.

According to the attorneys, “a decision from the Supreme Court would also provide uniform direction and guidance to government, public and private entities throughout the state, including the judiciary, which make decisions on a daily basis with regard to the provision of benefits or rights to persons based in whole or in part on their marital status.”

“We’re filing in the court of appeal, a motion, in layman’s terms, to pass through the jurisdiction of the third District Court of Appeal and to send the case directly to the Florida Supreme Court,” Restivo told the Miami Herald. “It’s going to certainly bring this case quicker to finality. It’s going to apply this case, one way or another, to the entire state of Florida, once the Supreme Court rules on it.”

The Monroe County case mirrors one in Miami-Dade, in which Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel on Friday ordered that six same-sex couples also be allowed to marry.

It is likely that the Monroe and Miami-Dade cases will be appealed together and that whatever decision is reached by the appeals court will affect both.

Restivo said whichever side might lose at the Florida Supreme Court could then “petition the United States Supreme Court to take the case.”

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