cityXtra Magazine

cityXtra Magazine

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Amazing Concept - FREE Trolley Rides Downtown

Now someone at JTA and Downtown Business Owners came up with a simply way to help Downtown. Give FREE passes to Trolley Riders. Wow we help save the environment, improve revenue at these business, and gain ridership with public transportation. So simply you would have thought the City Council or Mayor had developed the idea. Laughing! NOT.

A purchase between July 29-31 at Downtown locations of establishments such as The Jacksonville Landing, Dos Gatos, The Volstead, Burrito Gallery or Indochine will come with free trolley tickets, according to a press release.

The promotion is connected to JTA's test of the trolley, which will stop at the Jacksonville Landing and The Elbow, as well as connect to locations like Historic Five Points, the Brewery District and the Shoppes of Avondale.

We would have liked to see have seen our Riverside Businesses targeted in this promoation by JTA. Maybe next time 5 Points. 

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