cityXtra Magazine

cityXtra Magazine

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Publisher's Note: UberX & Lyft - New Age Taxi

Local taxi companies have complained the Uber X & Lyft do not have to obtain the same permits from the city as local taxi companies and drivers. City Councilman have called foul against Uber X & Lyft and sent the companies a cease and desist letter. They say drivers must have a valid For-Hire Driver's Permit issued by the City and be registered with an active Vehicle for Hire company that has the proper insurance required by law. UberX & Lyft operate via apps.

But Uber spokesman Taylor Bennett said the city's approach to regulating the “ride-share” care services is flawed.

“It's like regulating Expedia as an airline when Expedia simply connects Internet users to airlines,” Bennett said.

But Bennett said Uber stands behind its drivers and will cover the costs of any fines the drivers might be issued for operating on the Uber platform according to New Jax 4.

With growing technology revision of regulations to keep pace with the technology is required. The current drivers with Uber X & Lyft are simply trying to earn a living and are taxpaying citizens as well.

Sounds like another City Council attempt to regulate another industry. We all remember how the Food Truck attempted regulation went for City Councilman Brown.  We would if they just don't like the pink mustache from Lyft.

Most cities regulate how many vehicles are permitted to operate at one time within the city. Example: Yellow Cab 20 cabs per hour, Gator Taxi 10 cabs per hour, etc. Therefore, the regulations force individuals that do NOT have their own transportation to take JTA. It is time for less regulation and rapping of the poor to stop. If a company that can offer the same service at a lower rate and maintain the vehicles, conduct training, and meet insurance requirements, then let the free market system work.

Oh wait isn't the City of Jacksonville now in the water taxi business? Hum!

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